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Showing posts from January, 2008

What Not To Do

In the past five or six months since I started working with (& teaching & learning with) students, I have noticed a greater capacity in me to recognize the immaturities, weaknesses, and insecurities in myself, not just as a teacher, but as a person living in the floating world. Today I feel inspired to share some of these weaknesses with you, my dear readers, because (a) I had a bad day and I need to vent (b) I have been working on my anime curriculum so much that I haven't posted in many days, and more importantly: (c) I hope you will find my analyses useful. What Not To Do When You Have a Class Full of High School Students After School: 1. Gripe to Them about How Little Your Agency Pays You & Make Them Feel Bad about It. Yes it sucks big butt that you don't get compensated for all the work that you do outside of the classroom and outside of the alotted time in your workweek and that your co-workers expect you to suck it up because "everyone else does" i...

Secret Message Writing Exercise (Epistolary Poem)

This is a great writing activity that I learned from DW, but I’ve modified it a little bit so that it will be easier to use with my poetry students. (D, please feel free to post your own version or other versions you have heard of.) materials: lined paper tracing paper instructions: at the top of the sheet of lined paper, write Dear ___________ (fill in the blank with whatever. this will be your reader, your audience, and you will write a letter as if to _______________.) write a secret message to someone that you’ve been meaning to tell but never had the guts to do it. (1 – 2 sentences, but they don’t have to be full sentences). write it on the lined paper so that the message is scattered on the page but so that you can still read it top to bottom and left to right. now forget your secret message when the moderator begins to keep time, start writing and don’t stop. write anything you want but don’t stop, even if you get stuck. if you can’t think of anything, just write nonsense until ...